Voter Information Service


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Find your electoral district

The Voter Information Service provides information about your electoral district, including a map and the candidates and results for past elections. During an election, you can also see the list of candidates running in the district, the location of your advance and election day polling places and the address of your local Elections Canada office. You can submit a job application at any time to work as a poll worker in your electoral district. See additional instructions below.

Other searches

STRM Search


Search by postal code:
Type in your home postal code, then click the "Search" button.
Search by electoral district name:
Choose a province from the pull-down menu, click the "Search" button, then follow the additional instructions on the screen.
Search by candidate name:
Choose a province from the pull-down menu, click the "Search" button, then follow the additional instructions on the screen.
Search by using maps:
Choose a province from the pull-down menu, then click the "Search" button. You can then click on a riding or city on the map shown to display a more detailed map.
Search by place name (i.e. village, city):
Choose a province from the pull-down menu, click the "Search" button, then follow the additional instructions on the screen.
Search by list (all of Canada or by province):
Choose a province from the pull-down menu, then click the "Search" button. A list of electoral districts for that province will be displayed. Choose your electoral district.