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On-Reserve Voter Turnout – 42nd General Election – Infographic

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On-Reserve Voter Turnout

42nd General Election

People living on reserve
*Statistique Canada (2015)

People living across Canada
*Statistique Canada (2015)

Trends in voter turnout on reserves, 2004–2015

(Excludes votes cast by special ballot)

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In the 2015 general election, the smallest gap was observed between on-reserve turnout and turnout among the general population since 2004.

Note: Elections Canada began calculating turnout for on-reserve population in 2004.

Voter turnout on reserve increased by 14.1 percentage points in 2015.

Voter turnout on reserves in Canada, 2011–2015

(Excludes votes cast by special ballot)

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Note: No on-reserve communities have been identified in Nunavut.

#DYK? Approximately 10% of the populations who live on reserves are not of indigenous descent.

#DYK? On-reserve polling divisions are those completely or partially contained within an on-reserve community (one that is legally affiliated with a First Nations or Indian band).

Alberta had the highest increase in on-reserve voter turnout in 2015.
Graphic showing an increase of 25.3 percentage points
Alberta has 48,585 people living on reserve. Follow us on TwitterFollow us on FacebookFollow us on YouTube