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Report of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada on the 37th General Election Held on November 27, 2000


In a democratic society, the power and importance of a single vote must never be underestimated, for the guarantees that protect one elector protect us all

Table IV.1

Number of ballots cast and percentage of valid votes, by province/territory and
political affiliation, preliminary figures – 37th general election, 2000
Province or
Bloc Québécois Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Liberal Party of Canada New Democratic Party
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Newfoundland 0 0.0 8 837 3.9 103 103 44.9 29 993 13.1
Prince Edward Island 0 0.0 3 719 5.0 35 021 47.0 6 714 9.0
Nova Scotia 0 0.0 41 752 9.6 158 870 36.5 104 277 24.0
New Brunswick 0 0.0 60 277 15.7 159 803 41.7 44 778 11.7
Quebec 1 377 727 39.9 212 874 6.2 1 529 642 44.2 63 611 1.8
Ontario 0 0.0 1 051 209 23.6 2 292 075 51.5 368 709 8.3
Manitoba 0 0.0 148 293 30.4 158 713 32.5 101 741 20.9
Saskatchewan 0 0.0 207 004 47.7 89 697 20.7 113 626 26.2
Alberta 0 0.0 739 514 58.9 263 008 20.9 68 363 5.4
British Columbia 0 0.0 797 518 49.4 446 624 27.7 182 993 11.3
Yukon Territory 0 0.0 3 659 27.7 4 293 32.5 4 223 31.9
Northwest Territories 0 0.0 2 273 17.7 5 855 45.6 3 430 26.7
Nunavut 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 327 69.0 1 410 18.3
Total 1 377 727 10.7 3 276 929 25.5 5 252 031 40.8 1 093 868 8.5

Table IV.1 (continued)

Number of ballots cast and percentage of valid votes, by province/territory and
political affiliation, preliminary figures – 37th general election, 2000
Province or
Progressive Conservative Party
of Canada
Others Valid ballots Rejected ballots Total
Number % Number % Number % Number %  
Newfoundland 79 157 34.5 8 408 3.7 229 498 99.3 1 680 0.7 231 178
Prince Edward Island 28 610 38.4 400 0.5 74 464 99.4 424 0.6 74 888
Nova Scotia 126 557 29.1 3 813 0.9 435 269 99.5 2 106 0.5 437 375
New Brunswick 116 980 30.5 1 174 0.3 383 012 98.9 4 166 1.1 387 178
Quebec 192 153 5.6 80 891 2.3 3 456 898 97.3 95 653 2.7 3 552 551
Ontario 642 438 14.4 98 174 2.2 4 452 605 99.5 21 396 0.5 4 474 001
Manitoba 70 635 14.5 8 450 1.7 487 832 99.5 2 251 0.5 490 083
Saskatchewan 20 855 4.8 2 515 0.6 433 697 99.7 1 382 0.3 435 079
Alberta 169 093 13.5 16 021 1.3 1 255 999 99.7 3 795 0.3 1 259 794
British Columbia 117 614 7.3 69 972 4.3 1 614 721 99.6 6 380 0.4 1 621 101
Yukon Territory 991 7.5 53 0.4 13 219 99.6 53 0.4 13 272
Northwest Territories 1 282 10.0 0 0.0 12 840 99.4 72 0.6 12 912
Nunavut 633 8.2 349 4.5 7 719 99.3 54 0.7 7 773
Total 1 566 998 12.2 290 220 2.3 12 857 773 98.9 139 412 1.1 12 997 185

Table IV.2

Distribution of confirmed candidates by political party and
by province/territory – 37th general election, 2000
Province or
Bloc Québécois Canadian Action Party Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Communist
Party of
Liberal Party
of Canada
Marxist-Leninist Party
of Canada
Newfoundland 0 0 7 0 7 0 0
Prince Edward Island 0 0 4 0 4 0 0
Nova Scotia 0 0 11 1 11 3 3
New Brunswick 0 0 10 0 10 1 0
Quebec 75 2 74 12 75 31 26
Ontario 0 39 103 18 103 22 40
Manitoba 0 3 13 7 14 1 0
Saskatchewan 0 3 14 0 14 0 0
Alberta 0 5 26 3 26 3 3
British Columbia 0 18 34 11 34 12 12
Yukon Territory 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Northwest Territories 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
Nunavut 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Total 75 70 298 52 301 73 84

Table IV.2 (continued)

Distribution of confirmed candidates by political party and
by province/territory – 37th general election, 2000
Province or territory Natural Law Party of Canada New Democratic Party Progressive Conservative Party
of Canada
The Green Party of Canada Independent No Affiliation Total
Newfoundland 2 7 7 0 1 1 32
Prince Edward Island 1 4 4 1 0 1 19
Nova Scotia 1 11 11 1 2 0 55
New Brunswick 3 10 10 1 0 0 45
Quebec 19 72 71 17 6 7 487
Ontario 26 103 100 52 9 25 640
Manitoba 0 14 14 3 3 5 77
Saskatchewan 0 14 11 4 0 0 60
Alberta 3 26 26 7 2 3 133
British Columbia 14 34 34 24 6 14 247
Yukon Territory 0 1 1 0 0 1 5
Northwest Territories 0 1 1 0 0 0 4
Nunavut 0 1 1 1 0 0 4
Total 69 298 291 111 29 57 1 808

Table IV.3

Status of political parties – 37th general election, 2000
Parties retaining their status as registered parties (nine parties)
Bloc Québécois
Canadian Action Party
Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance
Liberal Party of Canada
Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
Natural Law Party of Canada
New Democratic Party
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
The Green Party of Canada
Parties acquiring registered party status (two parties)
Communist Party of Canada
Marijuana Party
Party that lost its status as a registered party pursuant to section 385 of the Canada Elections Act because it did not nominate a candidate in at least 50 electoral districts or for some other reason (one party)
Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Number of parties registered on November 27, 2000: 11

Table IV.4

Number of candidates eligible for reimbursement*, preliminary figures –
37th general election, 2000
Province or territory Number of candidates eligible
for reimbursement
Newfoundland 16
Prince Edward Island 9
Nova Scotia 29
New Brunswick 26
Quebec 149
Ontario 250
Manitoba 37
Saskatchewan 38
Alberta 50
British Columbia 73
Yukon Territory 3
Northwest Territories 3
Nunavut 2
Total 685
National total of candidates 1 808
Percent eligible 37.9%

* Under subsection 464(1) of the Canada Elections Act, candidates who are elected and candidates who obtain at least 15 percent of the valid votes in a riding are eligible for partial reimbursement of their election expenses.

Table IV.5

Number of electors on the voters lists, preliminary figures –
37th general election, 2000
Province or
Number of electors
On preliminary lists Net revision results1 On official lists2 Net revision results
Added at election
day registration
final lists
Newfoundland 381 437 8 934 390 371 2.3 14 839 405 210
Prince Edward Island 89 868 7 300 97 168 8.1 5 866 103 034
Nova Scotia 635 877 29 047 664 924 4.6 30 060 694 984
New Brunswick 531 090 15 760 546 850 3.0 24 719 571 569
Quebec 5 136 085 275 999 5 412 084 5.4 130 085 5 542 169
Ontario 7 093 606 295 454 7 389 060 4.2 324 684 7 713 744
Manitoba 734 938 17 750 752 688 2.4 33 621 786 309
Saskatchewan 650 319 19 148 669 467 2.9 28 678 698 145
Alberta 1 760 521 208 439 1 968 960 11.8 125 041 2 094 001
British Columbia 2 328 690 94 738 2 423 428 4.1 150 894 2 574 322
Yukon Territory 18 880 793 19 673 4.2 1 228 20 901
Northwest Territories 22 117 1 073 23 190 4.9 1 526 24 716
Nunavut 12 061 997 13 058 8.3 1 311 14 369
Total 19 395 489 975 432 20 370 921 5.0 872 552 21 243 473

1 Includes group 1 electors registered under the Special Voting Rules (Canadian electors temporarily residing outside Canada, Canadian Forces electors, and incarcerated electors serving sentences of less than two years).

2 The official lists, used on election day, incorporate additions and deletions made during the revision period.

Table IV.6

Voter registration statistics – 37th general election, 2000
Province or
on the preliminary lists
Electors added* Moves Other corrections Removed from lists SVR group 1 update Current number of registered electors
Newfoundland 381 437 27 733 9 509 4 911 4 158 198 405 210
Prince Edward Island 89 868 15 954 3 365 2 838 2 873 85 103 034
Nova Scotia 635 877 70 386 20 132 14 594 11 700 421 694 984
New Brunswick 531 090 47 510 23 127 16 103 7 316 285 571 569
Quebec 5 136 085 523 064 202 007 116 045 120 051 3 071 5 542 169
Ontario 7 093 606 744 788 150 546 109 422 131 023 6 373 7 713 744
Manitoba 734 938 74 058 20 753 11 629 23 469 782 786 309
Saskatchewan 650 319 61 696 21 332 19 656 14 481 611 698 145
Alberta 1 760 521 383 042 78 944 41 642 51 221 1 659 2 094 001
British Columbia 2 328 690 292 645 60 513 74 275 49 071 2 058 2 574 322
Yukon Territory 18 880 2 454 1 425 1 344 451 18 20 901
Northwest Territories 22 117 2 952 1 071 549 428 75 24 716
Nunavut 12 061 2 437 227 420 151 22 14 369
National total 19 395 489 2 248 719 592 951 413 428 416 393 15 658 21 243 473

* Added electors include the electors who have moved from one electoral district to another one.

Table IV.7

Number of ballots cast and voter turnout, preliminary figures –
37th general election, 2000
Province or
Ordinary polls Advance polls Special Voting
Total valid
Rejected ballots Total ballots
Percentage of
electors who voted*
Newfoundland 219 113 6 167 4 218 229 498 1 680 231 178 57.1
Prince Edward Island 67 771 4 588 2 105 74 464 424 74 888 72.7
Nova Scotia 400 273 26 348 8 648 435 269 2 106 437 375 62.9
New Brunswick 347 707 27 693 7 612 383 012 4 166 387 178 67.7
Quebec 3 182 703 219 300 54 895 3 456 898 95 653 3 552 551 64.1
Ontario 4 117 531 274 661 60 413 4 452 605 21 396 4 474 001 58.0
Manitoba 459 665 20 670 7 497 487 832 2 251 490 083 62.3
Saskatchewan 405 917 21 454 6 326 433 697 1 382 435 079 62.3
Alberta 1 171 833 68 081 16 085 1 255 999 3 795 1 259 794 60.2
British Columbia 1 487 284 104 610 22 827 1 614 721 6 380 1 621 101 63.0
Yukon Territory 11 790 814 615 13 219 53 13 272 63.5
Northwest Territories 11 697 611 532 12 840 72 12 912 52.2
Nunavut 7 499 160 60 7 719 54 7 773 54.1
Total 11 890 783 775 157 191 833 12 857 773 139 412 12 997 185 61.2**

* The percentage of electors who voted is calculated from the number of electors on the final lists (prepared after election day) and the total number of ballots cast.

** The turnout of 61.2% in 2000 was adjusted to arrive at the final turnout of 64.1%, after our normal maintenance of the National Register of Electors to remove the names of deceased electors and duplicates arising from moves. The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada explained the adjustment during his appearance before the Subcommittee on Electoral Boundaries Readjustment on October 6, 2003, and his appearance to discuss the 2004 Main Estimates before the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs on March 5, 2004.