Office of the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada: Info Source
Electoral Data Services (P)
The Electoral Data Services Program ensures that the National Register of Electors (NRoE) and the Register of Future Electors (RoFE) reflect current information from federal, provincial, and territorial administrative and electoral sources. Through its address management and registration activities and services, the program ensures efficient address management and the distribution of mapping products. The program is also responsible for online registration and online vote by mail registration for local electors, as well as planning and printing of the Voter Information Cards (VICs).
Analysis and Quality (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the methodological, statistical and analytical services provided to assist the National Register of Electors, Electoral Geography and other Elections Canada units in the administration of their programs and projects, such as the comparison of administrative and electoral data from other jurisdictions with the National Register of Electors database to identify updates. They also include information on the quality of information contained on the lists of electors; operational data quality indicators for geospatial databases to help improve database contents and processes; estimations of voter participation by age groups and voting methods; and strategic projects and corporate initiatives.
Document Types: Analytical reports, tables, electronic files, statements of methodology, memoranda and correspondence
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 2040
Related Personal Information Bank: Elections PPU 037, Voter Registration and Identification (PIB)
Electoral Geography (COR)
Description: Records include information about Elections Canada's duty to fulfill the requirements of the Canada Elections Act and the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act with respect to the production of maps and reports representing and describing electoral districts from a national and provincial level down to the smallest electoral unit, the polling division. Geography databases are updated with the latest information available from returning officers, Statistics Canada, Natural Resources Canada, provincial agencies and other external sources.
Document Types: Project plans, memoranda, minutes of meetings and correspondence
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Format: Maps (paper and digital), National Geographic Database and Electoral Geography Database
Record Number: Elections 2050
Register of Electors (COR)
Description: Records consist of information related to creating, maintaining, updating and improving elector and address records in the National Register of Electors; maintaining the Corporate Address Register; georeferencing addresses (locating the points on a map); and geocoding addresses (assigning addresses to polling divisions). They include information related to the exchange of lists of electors and collaborative projects with provincial, territorial and municipal electoral management bodies. As well information is obtained from federal, provincial and territorial data suppliers such as Canada Revenue Agency, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, motor vehicle registrars and vital statistics registrars.
Records also include outreach initiatives targeting electors and potential electors aimed at improving electoral data and records relating to the online voter registration services. These records involve the production of lists or products sent to members of parliament and registered political parties in accordance with the Canada Elections Act.
Document Types: National Register of Electors, information sharing agreements, correspondence, minutes, agenda, memoranda, reports, lists of electors and legal opinions
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 2010
Related Personal Information Bank: Elections PPU 037, Voter Registration and Identification (PIB)
Electoral Integrity and Regulatory Policy (P)
Elections Canada's Electoral Integrity and Regulatory Policy Program strengthens the agency's capacity to deliver on its mandate in a manner that is consistent with electoral integrity principles including accessibility, reliability, fairness, security, transparency, and independence. This includes providing integrity risk assessments and integrity assurance advice and developing policy instruments to support electoral operations and political registration and financing.
Electoral Integrity (COR)
Description: Records include information relating to Elections Canada's forwarding procedures for potential violations to the Canada Elections Act to the Commissioner of Canada Elections and Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Additional records include documentation relating to quality control assessments and recommended measures for improvement; social media monitoring implementation; as well as the implementation of the mandatory audit outlined in the Canada Elections Act. There is also information relating to corporate risk assessment based on environmental research.
Document Types: Project plans, process maps, memoranda, briefing notes, reports, presentations, training material, academic and current event research database and corporate risk assessment database
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3010
Field Management (P)
The Field Management program ensures that Elections Canada headquarters and field staff are prepared to deliver an electoral event in all of Canada's federal electoral districts. This includes the planning in each of the electoral cycles and the deployment of resources, assets, and infrastructure that enable Returning Officers to serve electors and political entities. It is also responsible for the development and delivery of field personnel training and for monitoring field operations during an event.
Field Personnel Readiness (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the recruitment of returning officers and their performance evaluations; the recruitment of election workers; the coordination of communications and support networks that assist returning officers during and between elections; the development and implementation of training strategies and tools for returning officers and other election workers; and the coordination of the acquisition, stocking and deployment of goods and services in support of operational programs.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, procedures, agendas, financial returns, logs, training manuals, business cases, project cards, budgets, newsletters, reports, contract data sheets, printing and purchasing specifications and orders, requisitions, briefing notes, travel authorization forms and claims, training forms, hospitality approvals and claims and evaluation forms.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 2060
Related Personal Information Bank: Elections PPU 045, Returning Offices and Electoral Workers (PIB)
Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections (P)
The Office of the Commissioner of Canada Elections program supports the integrity of Canada's electoral process by ensuring compliance with, and enforcement of, the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act. The Commissioner of Canada Elections receives complaints from the public and referrals from Elections Canada that form the basis of its compliance and enforcement work. Compliance and enforcement actions undertaken by the Commissioner are the result of reviews and investigations stemming from these complaints and referrals.
Commissioner of Canada Elections (COR)
Description: Includes records related to complaints and referrals about alleged violations of the Canada Elections Act; the assessment of complaints and referrals; the preparation, conduct and findings of investigations authorized by the Commissioner; compliance agreements and caution letters; any referral by the Commissioner to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada; and the training of persons who conduct investigations for the Commissioner of Canada Elections.
Document Types: Complaints, referrals from within Elections Canada, legal advice and opinions, correspondence, compliance agreements, caution letters, plans, investigation reports, training programs, training documents.
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 8010
Related Personal Information Bank: Elections PPU 015, Commissioner of Canada Elections (PIB)
Political Entities Regulatory Compliance (P)
Elections Canada's Political Entities Regulatory Compliance program administers the political financing provisions of the Canada Elections Act and monitors compliance of political entities with disclosure and reporting requirements, including by auditing their financial returns and issuing subsidies and election expense reimbursements in accordance with the legislation. The program ensures that political entities have the tools and training required to comply with the Act. It is also responsible for regulatory instruments in the form of opinions, guidelines, and interpretation notes on the correct application of the Canada Elections Act (not limited to political financing provisions) and the maintenance of an online registry. The program is responsible for registering political entities and maintaining a registry of political entities. It also ensures that Parliament, the Commissioner of Canada Elections, Canadians and other stakeholders have timely access to financial information and data that they require on political finance and emerging trends and issues.
Compliance Assistance Unit – Administration of Political Financing (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the preparation and review of referrals that do not fall within the criteria of the Administrative Compliance Policy. They also include information on the monitoring of unpaid claims and loans, as well as on the contribution rules for all political entities.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, policies, procedures, financial returns, and logs
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3030
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Compliance Assistance Unit – Compliance (COR)
Description: Records include information related to post-audit activities and the application of the Administrative Compliance Policy, which focuses on compliance through education.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, policies, procedures, financial returns, and logs
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3040
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Opinions, Guidelines, and Interpretations (COR)
Description: Records include written guidelines and interpretation notes issued by Elections Canada pursuant to section 16.1 of the Canada Elections Act to registered parties, registered associations, nomination contestants, candidates, or leadership contestants. Elections Canada issues guidelines and interpretation notes at its discretion or on application by the chief agent of a registered party. Records also include written opinions which Elections Canada is required to issue pursuant to section 16.2 of the Canada Elections Act to an activity or practice that a registered party, registered association, nomination contestant, candidate or leadership contestant proposes to engage in. Elections Canada issues these opinions on application by the chief agent of a registered party.
Document Types: Drafts, consultations, comments and responses on drafts, research, correspondence, meeting summaries and final versions for the registry
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3020
Political Financing and Audit – Administration of Political Financing (COR)
Description: Records include information related to election expenses reimbursements, audit subsidies and nomination deposit refunds to eligible candidates. They also include information regarding election expenses reimbursements to eligible registered political parties as well as audit subsidies to eligible registered electoral district associations.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, procedures, policies, financial returns, and logs
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3050
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Political Financing and Audit – Compliance (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the auditing of financial returns to verify compliance with the statutory provisions and the assistance of political entities with compliance.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, procedures, policies, financial returns, and logs
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3060
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Registry of Political Entities – Administration of Political Financing (COR)
Description: Records consist of information related to the legislative provisions regarding political entities registration, such as the processing of new registration applications and communication of decisions to applicants, the processing of registry information updates for existing registered political entities, and the issuance of acknowledgements to applicants upon receipt of applications. Records also include information related to the processing of notices of continuation from registered associations that wish to continue for new electoral districts when electoral boundaries are revised, the preparation of statutory notices of deregistration of political entities for publication in the Canada Gazette and the publication of registration data on the Elections Canada website.
Document Types: Political entities registration and update forms, backgrounders, memoranda, correspondence, reports, and office procedures
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3070
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Registry of Political Entities – Compliance (COR)
Description: Records include information related to activities for ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Canada Elections Act in terms of political entities registration.
Document Types: Political entities registration and update forms, manuals, correspondence, reports and office procedures
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3080
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Regulatory Instruments and Systems – Administration of Political Financing (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the maintenance of various political financing systems used to administer the political financing reporting requirements of the Canada Elections Act. They also include information regarding the records management function within the sector.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, procedures and financial returns
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3090
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)
Regulatory Instruments and Systems – Compliance (COR)
Description: Records include information related to the political entities training program intended for registered electoral district associations, candidates, other stakeholders and, on request, any political party that can assemble a minimum number of participants. The program aims to help these groups better understand the regulatory framework and recognize their responsibilities and obligations under the Canada Elections Act. Records also include information related to database-wide horizontal audit and data mining reporting procedures, including the verification that annual and event-based contributions are within the limits and the confirmation of political entity agent and auditor eligibility.
Document Types: Correspondence, memoranda, procedures, financial returns, and training materials
Disclosure Summaries: Under development
Record Number: Elections 3100
Related Personal Information Banks:
Elections PPU 010, Political Financing (PIB)
Elections PPU 036, Registration of Political Entities (PIB)