Become a Supplier to Elections Canada
New: Submit Proposals Electronically
Suppliers may now submit proposals electronically through Canada Post's Connect™.
What is Connect?
Connect is a secure online service that allows suppliers to share documents through a common platform. Registration is simple, and there is no cost to suppliers.
How does it work?
- Review the Elections Canada solicitation document for details about submitting a proposal through Connect.
- Contact Elections Canada by email ( to receive an electronic invitation to join a Connect “Conversation,” a secure exchange between Elections Canada and the supplier specific to that solicitation. Note: Proposals will not be accepted if sent directly to this address.
- Elections Canada will send you an email invitation to join the Conversation using your existing Connect account, or you will be prompted to create a new account.
- After joining the Conversation, you may submit proposal documents electronically to Elections Canada.
More information
Additional instructions for using Connect are available on the Canada Post website.
Suppliers with questions about Connect can contact Elections Canada at
Submit proposals by mail or in-person
As always, suppliers may also submit proposals to the Elections Canada Business Centre by mail, courier or in person. The Business Centre is open Monday to Friday (closed on statutory holidays) from 8:00 a.m. to noon and 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Doing Business With Us
Interested suppliers are invited to complete one of the forms below, with details of the products and services that they have to offer.
Completed forms will be directed to the appropriate Elections Canada contact.
Ongoing Activities
As part of our regular procurement and contracting activities, we are always looking for potential suppliers that can offer a range of products and services. Of particular interest are products and services that would help improve the accessibility, reach, convenience, innovation and effectiveness of services to electors.
Fill out the form for national suppliers
Interested suppliers are invited to complete the Product/Service Submission Form for Potential Suppliers.
Next General Election
We are preparing an inventory of local suppliers that can offer a variety of products and services in electoral districts across Canada. Identified needs for the next general election include:
- Property owners, landlords or realtors for potential polling locations and/or office space
- General contractors and labourers (e.g. temporary ramp installations, electricity work)
- Office furniture suppliers
- Office equipment suppliers (e.g., photocopier)
- Temporary help services
- Janitorial services
- Security suppliers (e.g., alarm systems, security agents suppliers)
Fill out the form for local suppliers
Interested suppliers are invited to complete the Product/Service Submission Form for Local Suppliers.
Supplier Engagement Days
We sometimes host Supplier Engagement Days to give suppliers an opportunity to learn more about our present and future needs. Interested suppliers are encouraged to fill out the Product/Service Submission Form for Potential Suppliers, and may be invited to deliver a presentation or demonstration. Products or services that do not fall within a specific area of interest may not be included in a Supplier Engagement Day.
A notice (Letter of Interest or Request for Information or Requirement Challenge) about Supplier Engagement Days and the areas of interest will be published on the government electronic tendering system website. The notice will be updated as new information becomes available.