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Transcript of Video on Transfers

The Transfers Between Political Entities module introduces transfers in general terms. This module explains transfer administration and reporting for registered associations.

Only the financial agent can send or receive monetary and non-monetary transfers on the association's behalf.

Incoming transfers (on-screen text)

A registered association can accept funds, property or services from:

  • the party,
  • another registered association of the party, or
  • a candidate of the party.

However, an association can only accept funds from:

  • leadership contestants of the party, or
  • nomination contestants who ran in a contest held by the association.

Outgoing transfers (on-screen text)

A registered association can transfer funds, property or services to:

  • the party, or
  • another registered association of the party.

It can also transfer funds, property or services to a candidate, but conditions apply when funds are transferred to a candidate outside an election period:

  • Before an election, the candidate must have an official agent, an auditor and a campaign bank account to accept the transfer.

After an election, the transfer can only be made to pay claims or loans related to the candidate's campaign.

Finally, an association can transfer only property or services to nomination contestants or leadership contestants, and only if the transfer is offered equally to all contestants.

When sending a non-monetary transfer, the financial agent has to include a copy of the supplier invoice as well as an invoice from the association, if required.

Now that you know which transfers are eligible, let's look at reporting transfers.

In the annual financial return, the association's financial agent must report the details of all transfers sent or received. This includes non-monetary transfers of $200 or less.

For example, let's say the registered association is holding a nomination contest and pays to create web pages for all contestants. The cost of the service is $300 per contestant. Because the association had offered to cover only some of the cost, the financial agent sends an invoice for $100, along with a copy of the supplier invoice, to each contestant. Each contestant then pays $100 to the association and reports the following: a $200 non-monetary transfer from the association, a $100 amount paid and a $300 expense. The association reports a $200 non-monetary transfer to each contestant. The other $100 per contestant simply flows through the association's balance sheet.

To learn more, please take a look at our other modules and resources.

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