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Survey of Electors Following the 42nd General Election

APPENDIX A: Questionnaire


Good afternoon/evening. My name is ... and I am calling on behalf of Elections Canada from Malatest & Associates, a public opinion research company. Today we are conducting a study on the services Elections Canada provides. Please be assured that we are not selling or soliciting anything.

I would like to speak to the youngest person in your household who was at least 18 years of age on October 19, 2015, and is a Canadian citizen. Would that be you?

If no – Ask for this person and repeat intro

IF YES – Would you like to complete the survey with me now? It should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.

[If asked about length]: The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

[If asked about purpose]: The purpose of the study is to measure public attitudes and knowledge about Elections Canada's services, as well as to obtain electors' opinions about their experiences during the last federal election.

[If asked about eligibility]: An elector is anyone who is eligible to vote in a Canadian federal election, that is a person who is a Canadian citizen and 18 years old on polling day.

[If asked national survey registration system]: The registration system has been created by the Canadian survey research industry to allow the public to verify that a survey is legitimate, get information about the survey industry or register a complaint. The registration system toll-free telephone number is 1-888-602-6742 ext. 8728.

[If asked about the national do not call list]: Calls made for the purpose of market research, polls or surveys are not considered telemarketing calls. Organizations making these types of calls are not required to register with the National Do Not Call List. The National Do Not Call List toll-free telephone number is 1-866-580-3625.

[If asked about Elections Canada]: You may contact Elections Canada by phone. The toll-free telephone number for Elections Canada is 1-800-463-6868. Their hours of operation are Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).

If person selected is not available, arrange for call-back.

If person selected is not available over interview period, ask for another person 18 years of age or older and repeat intro.

If in doubt, confirm whether respondent would like to be interviewed in English or French.

Read to all:

  • Yes I would like to complete the survey – "READ: Thank you. Please remember there are no right or wrong answers to our questions. Responses are used only for statistical purposes. All information collected through the survey will be held in strict confidence and is subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act regarding access to and the protection of personal information. Please note that this call may be recorded for training purposes."
  • No – arrange for call-back

Screening questions

SCR1. May I confirm that you are a Canadian citizen?

If no: This survey must be completed by Canadian citizens. Would there be someone in your household who is a Canadian citizen? If yes ask to speak to that person.

01 Yes

02 No (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

SCR2. May I confirm that you were at least 18 years old on October 19, 2015?

If no: This survey must be completed by Canadian citizens who were at least 18 years old on October 19, 2015. Would there be someone in your household who was at least 18 years old on October 19, 2015? If yes ask to speak to that person.

01 Yes

02 No (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

SCR3. In what year were you born?

01 [Open-ended reply; must enter four-digit year]

99 Refusal (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

If SCR3= 1997 or later, ask Y1

Y1. You mentioned that you were born in [SCR3]. In order for us to determine when you became eligible to vote, we would like to know your date of birth

If asked why: "This is to verify when you became eligible to vote"

Record the two answers

Y1A ____ <Month 01 to 12>

98 Don't know (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

99 Refusal (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

Y1B ____ <Day 01 to 31>

98 Don't know (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

99 Refusal (End of questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

Notes for programming:

IF < 18 YEARS on October 19, 2015 - End survey; code as non-qualifier

SCR3B. Unfortunately you do not qualify for the survey at this time. Thank you for your time.

01 End Survey, Code as Non-Qualifier

IF > 18 YEARS on October 19, 2015, continue survey.

If SCR=1980, ask Y2

Y2. You mentioned you were born in [SCR3]. In order for us to determine whether you fall into our youth category, we would like to know your date of birth."IF ASK WHY: "We are studying for differences between youth electors (those aged 18-34) and the rest of the electorate."

Record the two answers

Y2A ____ <Month 01 to 12>

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Y2B ____ <Day 01 to 31>

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Notes for programming:

IF > 18 YEARS on October 19, 2015 and < 35 years on October 19, 2015, code YOUTH=01 ("Aged 18-34").

IF ≥ 35 YEARS on October 19, 2015, code YOUTH=02 ("25 and older").

IF respondent refuses to provide date of birth for Y2, code YOUTH=99 ("Refusal").

*Note for programming: We are going to apply a consistent set of screening rules for both oversample batches. If batch=3 or 4, respondent must either be Aboriginal, youth, or foreign-born. We are taking this approach to maximize completions from the oversample.*

-If BATCH=03 (Aboriginal oversample) or BATCH=04 (Foreign-born oversample), ask:

SCR4. Were you born in Canada or another country?"

Note: If they refuse, code case as non-qualifier

01 Born in another country

02 Born in Canada

99 Refusal

Note for programming: IF SCR4=01, code FOREIGN_BORN=01 ("Born outside of Canada"). IFSCR4=02, code FOREIGN_BORN=02 ("Born in Canada"). IF SCR4=99, code FOREIGN_BORN=99 ("Refusal").

Section 1: General

1. Just to confirm, based on your citizenship and age, you were eligible to vote in Canadian elections as of October 19, 2015.

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No (End questionnaire; code as non-qualifier)

2. In which province or territory do you reside?

Do not read; Single mention only.

01 Alberta

02 British Columbia

03 Manitoba

04 New Brunswick

05 Newfoundland and Labrador

06 Northwest Territories

07 Nova Scotia

08 Nunavut

09 Ontario

10 Prince Edward Island

11 Québec

12 Saskatchewan

13 Yukon

14 Outside of Canada

3. Would you identify yourself as Aboriginal, that is, are you of First Nations, Inuit, or Métis descent?

Do not read – Code one only

01 No GO TO Q6

02 First Nation

03 Métis

04 Inuit

98 Don't know GO TO Q6

99 Refusal GO TO Q6

Note for programming: if any of Q3 options 02 through 04 are selected, code case as ABORIGINAL=01 ("First Nation, Métis, or Inuit"). OTHERWISE, ABORIGINAL=02 ("Non-Aboriginal").

IF (BATCH=03 OR BATCH=04) and [(YOUTH=02 OR 99) and/or (FOREIGN_BORN=02 OR 99) and/or (ABORIGINAL=02)], read 3b and code as non-qualifier.

3b. Based on demographic criteria, unfortunately you do not qualify for the survey at this time. Thank you for your time."

[If asked why, read: "Elections Canada has set completion targets for electors between the ages of 18-34, who identify as Aboriginal, or were born in another country. If anyone else in your household matches at least one of those criteria we could complete the survey with them. If not, we thank you for your time and understanding."]

01 End survey, code as "Special code: Oversample non-qualifier"

Ask if Q3 = 02

4. Is your primary residence located on a reserve?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q6

98 Don't know GO TO Q6

99 Refusal GO TO Q6

Note for programming: IF Q4=01, code RESERVE=01 ("Living on-reserve"). Otherwise, code RESERVE=02 ("Living off-reserve").

Ask if Q4 = 01

5. Was there a polling station on your reserve?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

6. Elections Canada is committed to accommodating the needs of Canadians. For the purposes of this survey only, would you please tell me whether you have any of the following conditions?

[If asked why we are interested: Elections Canada has an accessibility policy and service offering for people with disabilities to make voting accessible to these electors. If you have any of these conditions, we will ask you a few questions about these services later in the survey. Your answers will help Elections Canada do its best job.]

Read list; Select all that apply. (multiple mentions)

01 Blind or visual impairment

02 Impaired co-ordination or dexterity

03 Deaf or hard of hearing

04 Impaired mobility

05 Speech impairment

06 Developmental or intellectual disability

07 Emotional/psychological/mental health condition

08 Chronic pain

96 Any other condition you would consider a disability (Please specify) [Open-ended reply]

97 No disability

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Note for programming: if any of Q6 options 01 through 08 or 96 are selected, code case as DISABILITY=01 ("Person with disability"). Q6=97, 98, or 99, DISABILITY=02 ("Person without disability").

Section 2: Awareness of Election

(All respondents)

7. Did you know that a federal election took place on October 19, 2015?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q9

98 Don't know GO TO Q9

99 Refusal GO TO Q9

Programming: If Q7=01, AWARENESS=01 ("Aware"); else, AWARENESS=02 ("Unaware").

Ask if Q7 = 01

8. From what sources do you recall hearing about the election?

– Do not read list. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

9. In general, would you say you are very interested in politics, somewhat interested, not very interested, or not at all interested?

01 Very interested

02 Somewhat interested

03 Not very interested

04 Not at all interested

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

10. Did you vote in the previous federal general election in 2011?

Do not read – Probe if needed "It was held on May 2nd, 2011"

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 3: Knowledge of Registration Requirements, Voting and Voter Identification

(All respondents)

Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about voting in the election...

11. To the best of your knowledge, do voters need to be registered in order to vote in a Canadian federal election?

If asked: This means to have their name on the lists of electors.

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

97 Don't know GO TO Q13

98 Refusal GO TO Q13

12. From what sources do you recall hearing about whether or not electors need to be registered to vote??

Do not read list. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

14 I knew this from my past experience

15 When I voted

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

13. To the best of your knowledge, could electors use an Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website to check, update or complete their voter registration during the last election?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q13=01

13A. From what sources do you recall hearing about it?

Do not read. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

14. To the best of your knowledge, what are the current ways that electors can vote in a federal election?

Do not read – Select all that apply (multiple mentions).

[If respondent simply says "polling station," probe "Could you please be more specific?" Avoid suggesting answers which would give away the list.]

Do not read: If respondent says prior election day, ask for clarification as 02, 03 and 04 can be prior to election day

01 In person at a polling station on election day

02 At an advance polling station

03 By mail (either within Canada or outside Canada)

04 At a local Elections Canada office

05 At home

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q14 = 01, 02, 03, 04

15. From what sources do you recall hearing about the different ways to vote?

Do not read. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

14 I knew this from my past experience

15 When I voted

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

16. To the best of your knowledge, do voters have to present proof of IDENTITY in order to vote in a Canadian federal election?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

17. To the best of your knowledge, do voters have to present proof of ADDRESS in order to vote in a Canadian federal election?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q18 if either Q16=01 and/or Q17=01.

18. From what sources do you recall hearing about this?

Do not read. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

14 I knew this from my past experience

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

19. Overall, how well informed do you feel you were about how, when and where to vote? Would you say...?

Read scale

01 Very informed

02 Somewhat informed

03 Not very informed

04 Not at all informed

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 4: EC Communications about How, When and Where to Vote

(All respondents)

20. [If awareness=02, add this pre-text: "The last federal election was held on October 19, 2015. The election period ran from August 2 until October 19."] During the election period, did you see, hear or read any advertising or communications about how, when and where to vote in the Canadian federal election on October 19?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q20 = 01

21. And where did you see, hear or read about it?

Do not read. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

02 Voter information card (addressed to the elector)

03 Radio

04 Television

05 Newspaper

06 Elections Canada website

07 Word of mouth (friends, relatives, colleagues)

08 Facebook

09 Twitter

10 YouTube

11 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

12 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

13 From candidates and political parties

97 Other source, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Programming note: If awareness=02, skip to section S (S1).

21B. During the campaign, do you recall receiving a reminder brochure from Elections Canada by mail?

Do not read

If asked: The reminder brochure is sent to each household.

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

22. Did you contact Elections Canada during the campaign?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q22 = 01

23. Overall, how satisfied were you with the information provided when you contacted Elections Canada? Would you say...?

Read scale

01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

24. Did you visit Elections Canada's website during the campaign?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q24= 01

25. Overall, how satisfied were you with the information on Elections Canada's website? Would you say...?

Read scale

01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Programming note: There is no Question 26.

26. SKIP TO Q27

Section 5: Registration and Voter Information Card (VIC)

(Respondents aware of election)

27. What did you do to find out whether you were registered to vote in this election?

Do not read – Code up to 3 answers

Surveyors: If respondent says they went online / checked website, code 04, and also probe for use of online voter registration service (code 05).

01 Did nothing

02 Found out at polling station/local Elections Canada office

03 Called 1-800 number of Elections Canada

04 Consulted Elections Canada's website

05 Used Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website

06 Learned from revising agent who was at my home

07 Learned from my voter information card

97 Other (SPECIFY)

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q27=05

28. You said that you used the Online Voter Registration Service during the last election to check if you were registered. Can you tell me exactly what you did?

Do not read. Code multiple responses

01 Checked that my name and address were correctly written on the voters list

02 Corrected my name on the voters list

03 Updated my address on the voters list

04 Completed my registration

05 Completed my registration and printed my registration certificate

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

29. During the campaign, did you receive a voter information card addressed to you personally telling you where and when to vote?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q34

98 Don't know GO TO Q34

99 Refusal GO TO Q34

30. Was your NAME correct on the card you received?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

31. And was your ADDRESS correct on the card?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q30=02 and/or Q31=02

32. Did you do anything to make corrections to incorrect information on the card you received?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q34

98 Don't know GO TO Q34

99 Refusal GO TO Q34

33. What did you do, precisely? Did you...?

Read; allow multiple responses

01 Call the phone number indicated on the voter information card

02 Call Elections Canada's 1-800 number

03 Use the Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website

04 Inform the revising agent who was at your home

05 Make the correction at the poll when you went to vote

06 Contact the local Elections Canada office

Do not read

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Do not ask if Q28=04 or 05, or if Q29=01

(Analysis note, impute responses for those aware by skipped)

34. Did you have to register during the election in order to vote?

Do not read

01 Yes, I did

02 No GO TO Q38

98 Don't know GO TO Q38

99 Refusal GO TO Q38

Ask if Q34=01

35. What did you do, precisely? Did you...?


01 Register on polling day

02 Register on an advance polling day

03 Register through the revising agent who was at your home

04 Register through the Online Voter Registration Service on Elections Canada's website

Do not read

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know GO TO Q38

99 Refusal GO TO Q38

Ask if Q28=04 or 05 or Q34=01.

36. Overall, how satisfied were you with the way you registered? Would you say...?

Read scale

01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Programming note: There is no Question 37.

Q37 = Go to Q38

Section 6: Voting

38. Many people don't or can't vote for a variety of reasons. Did you vote in the October 19 federal election?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q38 = 02

39. What is the main reason you did not vote?

Do not read – Code 1 answer

01 Not interested in politics

02 Lack of information about campaign issues and parties' positions

03 Didn't like candidates, party leaders, or campaign issues

04 Felt voting would not make a difference

05 Not on voters list / Registration problems

06 Lack of information about the voting process (e.g. when/where to vote)

07 Transportation problems / Polling station too far from home

08 Problems physically accessing the polling station/building

09 Problems with ID requirements (i.e. missing ID to prove IDENTITY when voting)

10 Problems with ID requirements (i.e. missing ID to prove ADDRESS when voting)

11 Problems with ID requirements (i.e. missing ID to prove IDENTITY when registering)

12 Problems with ID requirements (i.e. missing ID to prove ADDRESS when registering)

13 Lines were too long

14 Own illness or disability

15 Out of town or away from home

16 Too busy / Family obligations / Conflicting work or other schedule

17 Forgot to vote

18 Religious beliefs

19 Weather conditions

97 Other – Specify:

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q38=01

40. Which method did you use to vote? Was it...?

Read in order – Code one answer only

01 At the polling station on election day, October 19

02 At the advance polling station (or advance polls) on October 9, 10, 11 or 12

03 At a local Elections Canada office

04 By mail

If [disability=01] read

05 At home

Do not read

97 Other (PROBE/SPECIFY: _________).

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q38=01

41. Overall, how convenient was it to vote? Would you say that it was...?

Read scale

01 Very convenient

02 Somewhat convenient

03 Not very convenient

04 Not at all convenient

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

If Q40=04 (vote by mail) or 05 (vote at home), ask Q41A.

Q41A. Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements? Would you say that it was...?

Read scale. Note: this question refers to respondent's own experience

01 Very easy

02 Somewhat easy

03 Somewhat difficult

04 Very difficult

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Programming note: Skip patterns based on voting (q38), mode of vote (Q40) and disability status (Disability).

*Voted at a polling place, either on election day, advance poll, or EC office, continue to next question:

If Q38 = 01 and Q40=01, 02, or 03, proceed to section 7 (Q42).

*Voted either at home, by mail, or another method, skip over 'getting to the poll' and 'identification' and proceed to the voting experience section.

If Q38 = 01 and Q40=04, 05, 97, 98 or 99 skip to section 9 (Q62).

*Did not vote, or unsure/refused, but has a disability, skip to the accessibility section.

If Q38 = 02, 98, or 99 and disability = 01, skip to section 10 (Q70).

*Did not vote, or unsure/refused, and does not have a disability, skip to the final questions on fairness and accuracy.

If Q38 = 02, 98, or 99 and disability = 02, skip to Q87.

Section 7: Getting to the Poll

(Respondents who say they voted)

Programming note for this section: ask only if Q40 = 01, 02, 03

42. Do you remember approximately what time it was when you went to vote?

Read only if necessary; Code only one response

01 Before 8 a.m.

02 Between 8 and 9 a.m.

03 Between 9 and 10 a.m.

04 Between 10 and 11 a.m.

05 Between 11 and noon

06 Between noon and 1 p.m.

07 Between 1 and 2 p.m.

08 Between 2 and 3 p.m.

09 Between 3 and 4 p.m.

10 Between 4 and 5 p.m.

11 Between 5 and 6 p.m.

12 Between 6 and 7 p.m.

13 Between 7 and 8 p.m.

14 Between 8 and 9 p.m.

15 After 9 p.m.

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

43. Was the (answer underlined at Q40: 01-polling station, 02-advance polling station or 03-local Elections Canada office) at a convenient distance from your home?)

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

44. Which means of transport did you use to go to vote?

Do not read

01 Private vehicle

02 Taxi GO TO Q46

03 Public transportation GO TO Q46

04 I biked GO TO Q46

05 I walked GO TO Q46

97 Other, please specify GO TO Q46

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q44 = 01;

45. Did you experience any problems finding a parking space?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

46. Did you have any difficulty reaching the (answer underlined at Q40: 01-polling station, 02-advance polling station or 03-local Elections Canada office)?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q48

98 Don't know GO TO Q48

99 Refusal GO TO Q48

Ask if Q46 = 01

47. Could you briefly describe the main difficulty in reaching the (answer underlined at Q40: 01-polling station, 02-advance polling station or 03-local Elections Canada office)?

Do not read – Allow for multiple responses

01 Physical accessibility

02 Polling station address difficult to find

03 Room inside the building difficult to find

04 Wrong information on my voter information card

05 Imprecise signage (interior/exterior)

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

48. From the street, how visible was the building where you voted? Would you say it was...?

Read scale

01 Very visible from the street

02 Somewhat visible from the street

03 Not very visible from the street

04 Not at all visible from the street

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

49. Would you say that the building where you voted was...?

Read scale

01 Very suitable GO TO Q51

02 Somewhat suitable GO TO Q51

03 Not very suitable

04 Not suitable at all

Do not read

98 Don't know GO TO Q51

99 Refusal GO TO Q51

Ask if Q49 = 03 or 04

50. Could you briefly describe what made the building not suitable?

Do not read – Allow for multiple responses

01 Physical accessibility

02 Polling station address difficult to find

03 Room inside the building difficult to find

04 Wrong information on my voter information card

05 Imprecise signage (interior/exterior)

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

51. Once inside, were there enough signs to help you find where to go for voting?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q29 = 01

52. Did you bring your voter information card with you to the (answer underlined at Q40: 01-polling station, 02-advance polling station or 03-local Elections Canada office)?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 8: Voter Identification

Programming note for this section: Ask only if Q40 = 01, 02, 03

Programming note: We are testing the effect of timing for the question, "Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements?" This will be done by asking half of respondents the question at the start of this section (Q53), and half towards the end of this section (Q59). When we provide the sample, we shall have randomly assigned a value of 01 or 02 to a variable called ID_FAIRNESS to determine this.

Ask Q53 only if ID_FAIRNESS=01

53. Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements to vote? Would you say that it was...?

Read scale. Note: this question refers to respondent's own experience

01 Very easy

02 Somewhat easy

03 Somewhat difficult

04 Very difficult

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

54. Did you have the required identification documents with you, when you went to vote?

Do not read

01 Yes GO TO Q57

02 No

98 Don't know GO TO Q62

99 Refusal GO TO Q62

Ask if Q54 = 02

55. Which pieces of identification or documentation were you missing?

Code only one reply

01 Document with identity

02 Document with address

03 Had no identification pieces

98 Don't know GO TO Q62

99 Refusal GO TO Q62

Ask if Q55= 01, 02, 03

56. What did you do about it?

Read if necessary; select all that apply.

01 Went to find missing document(s) with my identity and came back

02 Went to find missing document(s) with my address and came back

03 Had someone else attest to my address (Surveyor note: Only select this option if they had documents with their identity. Do not select if they had documents with their address).

97 Other [SPECIFY]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57 if Q54=01 or Q56=01, 02 or 03

57. What one or two documents did you use to prove your identity and address?

Surveyor notes:

Electors can vote using the following combinations

  • One document from List A; Update Nov 18 – If a respondent says they used their drivers' licence do not probe for any other documents.
  • One document from List B and one document from List C;
  • Two documents from List C, or,
  • Two documents from List B and had someone else attest to their address

Of only one document is mentioned and that it is under List A DO NOT ask for a second document.

It is possible answers may not match those combinations. Use List D to capture invalid documents, including the voter information card, and any document not found in lists A, B or C. Use List E to capture don't know or refusal.

Note regarding option C20: The designated establishments are 1) Student residence; 2) Seniors' residence; 3) Long-term care facility; 4) Shelter; or, 5) Soup kitchen.

Note regarding D02: If you select the "Other" option (D02), you will be prompted to record that answer in a follow-up question (Q57D).

List A: Documents that are sufficient by themselves (Accept only one) List B: Proof of identity (Accept up to two if none from list C) List C: Proof of identity and address (Accept up to two if none from list B) List D: Invalid documents (Accept all that apply) List E: Additional responses (Accept only one)
A01 Driver's licence B01 Health card of AB, PE, NB, NS, NU, ON, QC, SK, NL or NT C01 Health card of MB or YK D01 Voter information card (VIC) E01 Don't know
A02 Provincial or territorial ID card B02 Canadian passport C02 Utility bill (electricity; water; telecommunications services including telephone, cable or satellite) D02 Other (Record answer in Q57D). E02 Refusal
A03 Service card from British Columbia B03 Birth certificate C03 Bank statement
B04 Certificate of Canadian citizenship C04 Credit union statement
B05 Citizenship card C05 Credit card statement
B06 Social insurance number card C06 Personal cheque
B07 Indian status card C07 Government statement of benefits
B08 Band membership card C08 Government cheque or cheque stub
B09 Métis card C09 Pension plan statement
B10 Card issued by an Inuit local authority C10 Residential lease or sub-lease
B11 Canadian Forces identity card C11 Mortgage contract or statement
B12 Veterans Affairs health card C12 Income tax statement
B13 Old age security card C13 Property tax assessment or evaluation
B14 Hospital card C14 Vehicle ownership
B15 Medical clinic card C15 Insurance certificate, policy or statement
B16 Label on a prescription container C16 Correspondence issued by a school, college, or university
B17 Identity bracelet issued by a hospital or long-term care facility C17 Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee
B18 Blood donor card C18 Targeted revision form from Elections Canada to residents of long-term care facilities
B19 Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) card C19 Letter of confirmation of residence from a First Nations band or reserve, or an Inuit local authority
B20 Credit card C20 Letter of confirmation of residence, letter of stay, admission form or statement of benefits from a designated establishment
B21 Debit card
B22 Employee card
B23 Student identity card
B24 Public transportation card
B25 Library card
B26 Liquor identity card
B27 Parolee card
B28 Firearms licence
B29 Licence or card issued for fishing, trapping or hunting

Programming note: If E01 (Don't know) or E02 (Refuse to answer) were selected, do not ask any of the Q57 follow-up questions.

Q57 follow-up questions (Q57A through Q57F)

Ask Q57A if respondent only provided a List B answer (excluding B08, B09, or B10) but no List C answers.

57A. You mentioned a document you used to prove your identity. Did you also use any other document to prove your identity or your address?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended reply]

02 Did not use any other document

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57B if respondent provided only one List C answer and no List B answers.

57B. You mentioned one document you used to prove your identity and address. Did you also use a second document to prove your identity or your address?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended reply]

02 Did not use any other document

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57C if only D01 (Voter information card) was selected (no other answers).

57C. You mentioned you used your voter information card to prove your identity and address. Did you use any other documents to prove your identity or your address?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended reply]

02 Did not use any other document

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57D if D02 (Other) was selected.

57D. What other documents did you use?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended reply]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57E if two documents from List B were selected., and no other documents from Lists A or C.

57E. Did you take an oath and have someone else attest to your address?

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q57F if B08, B09, or B10 were selected and no other documents from Lists A, B or C.

Q57F. You mentioned you used your [Enter either B08, B09, or B10] to prove your identity and address. Did you use any other documents to prove your identity or your address?

01 [Open-ended reply]

02 Did not use any other document

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q58 if C19 or C20 were selected.

Q58. Was the letter from a ...?

01 First Nations band or reserve

02 Inuit local authority

03 Student residence

04 Seniors' residence

05 Long-term care facility

06 Shelter

07 Soup kitchen

Do not read

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Programming note: We are testing the effect of timing for the question, "Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements?" This will be done by asking half of respondents the question at the start of this section (Q53), and half towards the end of this section (Q59). When we provide the sample, we shall have randomly assigned a value of 01 or 02 to a variable called ID_FAIRNESS to determine this.

Ask Q59 only if ID_FAIRNESS=02.

59. Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements to vote? Would you say that it was...?

Read scale. Note: this question refers to respondent's own experience

01 Very easy

02 Somewhat easy

03 Somewhat difficult

04 Very difficult

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

All cases skip to section 9 (Q62), Q60 & Q61 are no longer asked

60. Did a candidate's representative request to examine your pieces of identification?

If asked: A candidate may designate a representative to represent him or her at a polling station. While the role of election officers is to serve electors as they come to vote. The role of a candidate's representative is to observe the election proceedings.

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q62

98 Don't know GO TO Q62

99 Refusal GO TO Q62

Ask if Q60 = 01

61. Did you agree to show your pieces of identification to a candidate's representative?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 9: Voting Experience

Programming note: These questions should be asked of anyone who indicated they voted (Q38=01).

62. To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to vote?

[Add this text if Q40=01, 02, or 03] This would be the amount of time you spent at the (answer underlined at Q40: 01-polling station, 02-advance polling station or 03-local Elections Canada office).

[Add this text if Q40=04] This would be the amount of time it took you to complete your special ballot voting kit.

[Add this text if Q40=05] This would be the amount of time Elections Canada staff was at your home.

[Add this text if Q40=97] This would be the amount of time you spent voting, and exclude any travel time.

[If asked – This does not include travel time]

Do not read; record time in minutes

01 [Open-ended question]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask only if Q40=01, 02 or 03

63. Would you say that the waiting time before voting was reasonable?

Do not read

01 Yes GO TO Q65

02 No

98 Don't know GO TO Q65

99 Refusal GO TO Q65

If Q63 = 02

64. What was the main reason for the delay?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended question]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

65. Voters can choose to be served in either official language, English or French. In which official language were you served?

Do not read

01 English

02 French

98 Don't know GO TO Q67

99 Refusal GO TO Q67

Ask if Q65 = 01 or 02

66. Were you satisfied with the official language in which you were served?

Do not read

01 Yes, satisfied

02 No, not satisfied

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

67. Overall, how satisfied were you with the services provided by Elections Canada staff when you voted? Would you say...?


01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

68. Overall, how easy was it to vote? Would you say that it was...?

Read. Note: this question refers to respondent's own experience

01 Very easy GO TO Q70

02 Somewhat easy GO TO Q70

03 Somewhat difficult

04 Very difficult

Do not read

98 Don't know GO TO Q70

99 Refusal GO TO Q70

If Q68 = 03 or 04

69. Can you tell us why it was difficult to vote?

Do not read

01 [Open-ended question]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 10: Accessibility for Electors with Disabilities

(All respondents with a disability [DISABILITY=01] are asked these questions; those without disabilities GO TO Section 11, Q85. Programming please note that questions Q76 through Q80 are only asked of some respondents with disabilities based on the nature of their disability [determined by Q6].)

And ask if [disability=01]. Otherwise, go to section 11.

70. Overall, what is your level of awareness of services and tools offered to voters with a disability?

Would you say...?


01 Very aware

02 Somewhat aware

03 Not very aware

04 Not at all aware GO TO Q72

Do not read

98 Don't know GO TO Q72

99 Refusal GO TO Q72

71A. How did you know about it?

Do not read. Select all that apply (multiple mentions). If respondent says "Internet," probe for specific websites or social media.

01 Voter information card (VIC) (addressed to the elector)

02 EC householder – brochure / leaflet (received in the mail)

03 Called the phone number indicated on the voter information card

04 Called 1-800 number of Elections Canada

05 Elections Canada's website

06 Revising agent who was at my home

07 Facebook

08 Twitter

09 YouTube

10 Other social media (other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)

11 Other Internet website (other than Elections Canada website)

12 My Voter's Guide

13 Learned from association

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if 71A=13

71B. Please specify from which association you learned about assistance and tools for electors.

Do not read list

01 Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)

02 People First of Canada

03 Council of Canadians with Disabilities

04 Easter Seals Canada

05 Brain Injury Association of Canada

06 Confédération des organismes de personnes handicapées du Québec (COPHAN)

07 Canadian Association for Community Living

08 Neil Squire Society

09 Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP)

10 Accessible Media Inc. (AMI)

11 Canadian Association of the Deaf

12 Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians

13 Canadian Mental Health Association

97 Other [SPECIFY]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

If Q29=01

72. Was your voter information card useful to check the level of accessibility of your designated polling station?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

73. Did you visit the Accessible Voting page on Elections Canada's website during the election?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

74. Did you use the Voter Information Service on Elections Canada's website to check the accessibility of your designated polling station?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask Q75 to Q84 if Q38=01

Ask if Q73 = 01

75A. How helpful was the information on the Accessible Voting Page when it was time to go vote? Would you say...?


01 Very helpful

02 Somewhat helpful

03 Not very helpful

04 Not at all helpful

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q74 = 01

75B. How helpful was the Voter Information Service when it was time to go vote? Would you say...?


01 Very helpful

02 Somewhat helpful

03 Not very helpful

04 Not at all helpful

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if nature of disability (Q6) included 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 or 96.

76. How would you rate the visibility of the signs with a wheelchair symbol? Were they...?


01 Highly visible

02 Somewhat visible

03 Not very visible

04 Did not see any signs with a wheelchair symbol

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q44=01 and if nature of disability (Q6) included 01, 02, 03, 04, 08 or 96.

77. Did you find a parking space with a wheelchair symbol?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if nature of disability (Q6) includes 01, 04, 08, or 96.

78. Did you need level access for a wheelchair?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q81

98 Don't know GO TO Q81

99 Refusal GO TO Q81

Ask if Q78 = 01

79. Did you encounter any difficulties with the level access for wheelchairs?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q79=1

80. What was the difficulty that you encountered?

Do not read – Select all that apply (multiple mentions).

01 The sign indicating the wheelchair-accessible door was not visible

02 The polling place did not have an automatic door opener

03 There was no election worker at the door to provide assistance

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

81. Did you need assistance or voting tools to cast your ballot?

Do not read

01 Yes

02 No GO TO Q83

98 Don't know GO TO Q83

99 Refusal GO TO Q83

Ask if Q81 = 01

82. What kind of assistance or voting tools did you need?

Do not read – Code all answers

01 Assistance by family/friend

02 Assistance by poll staff

03 Language or sign language interpretation

04 Assistance in marking a ballot

05 Tactile and Braille voting template that fits on top of a ballot

06 Magnifier with light

07 Large-print list of candidates

08 Braille list of candidates

09 Improved voting screen that let in more light

10 Smartphone photo of ballot for verification

97 Other, please specify

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

83. Overall, would you say that Elections Canada staff were sensitive regarding your needs when voting? Would you say EC staff were...?

Read scale

01 Very sensitive

02 Somewhat sensitive

03 Not very sensitive

04 Not at all sensitive

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q81=01.

84. How satisfied were you with the assistance provided by Elections Canada staff when voting?


01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section 11: Overall Satisfaction with Experience

Programming note: If awareness=02, skip to section S (S1).

If Q38=01

85. Overall, how satisfied were you with your voting experience? Would you say...?

Read scale

01 Very satisfied

02 Somewhat satisfied

03 Not very satisfied

04 Not at all satisfied

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Ask if Q85= 03 or 04

86. Can you explain the main reason why?

01 [Open-ended question]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal


87. Thinking about the federal general election, would you say that Elections Canada ran the election...?

If asked: Elections Canada, is an independent, non-partisan agency that reports directly to Parliament. It ensures that Canadians can exercise their democratic rights to vote and be a candidate.

Read scale

01 Very fairly

02 Somewhat fairly

03 Somewhat unfairly

04 Very unfairly

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

88. What level of trust do you have in the accuracy of the election results in your riding? Is it...?

Read scale

01 Very high

02 Somewhat high

03 Somewhat low

04 Very low

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

Section S: Socio-demographics

(All respondents)

S1. For the purposes of the survey, could you confirm your gender?

Do not read.

01 Male

02 Female

97 Other (Specify)

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S2. Are you...?

Read scale

01 Employed

02 A homemaker

03 A student

04 Retired

05 Unemployed/currently looking for work

06 Self-employed

97 Other (Specify)

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S3. IF Q3 = 01, 98 or 99. Could you please tell me your ethnic background? [If necessary specify: "For example, Caucasian, Asian, African, Latin American, etc."]

Do not read. Accept only one reply; use Q97 for mixed / multiple ethnicities.

Group Includes
01 White / Caucasian English-Canadian, French-Canadian and non-visible minority (includes English, Irish, Scottish, German, French, Italian)
02 Chinese China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
03 East Asian Japanese, Korean
04 South Asian / East Indian Bangladeshi, Bengali, Bruneian, Gujarati, East Indian, Indo Pakistani, Mauritian, Mayotte, Mongolian, Pakistani, Punjabi, Singhalese, Sri Lankan, Tamil
05 South East Asian Vietnamese, Cambodian, Malaysian, Laotian, Indonesian, Singaporean, Burmese, Kampuchean, Thai
06 Filipino
07 Black (Africa, Caribbean) Angolan, Anguillan, Antiguan, Aruba/Netherlands Antilles, Bahamian, Barbadian, Belizean, Beninese, Bermudan, Botswanan, Burkinan, Burundian, Cameroonian, Cape Verde Islands, Cayman Islands, Central African, Chadian, Comoros Islands, Congolais, Dominican, Equatorial Guinean, Ethiopian, Gabonese, Gambian, Ghanaian, Grenadian, Guadeloupian, Guinean, Guinea-Bissauan, Guyanese, Haitian, Ivorian, Jamaican, Kenyan, Lesothan, Liberian, Malagasy, Malawian, Malian, Martinican / French Guiana, Montserratan, Mozambican, Namibian, Nevisitian, Nigerois, Nigerian, Rwandan, Vicentian / Grenadines, Saint Lucian, Senegalese, Trinidadian, Tobagonian, West Indian, other Caribbean, other African
08 Latin American All Central and South American countries, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico.
09 West Asian / North African / Arab Afghan, Algerian, Armenian, Bahrain, Bhutanese, Egyptian, Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Jordanian, Kurdish, Kuwaiti, Lebanese, Libyan, Maghrebi origins, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Nepalese, Omani, Palestinian, Yemenite, Saudi Arabian, Syrian, Turk
10 Pacific Islands Fijian, Melanesian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Tongan, Tuvaluan, Wake Island, Samoan, American Samoa, Coral Sea Islands Territory, Kiribatian, Nauruan, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Island, Tokelau, Pitcairn Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Vanuatuan, Wallis and Futuna Islands, Cook Islands, Johnston Atoll, Guam, Midway Islands, New Caledonian
97 Other visible minorities or mixed ethnicity, please specify RECORD _________________
98 Don't know
99 Refusal

S4. In what country were you born?

Interviewer: Specify place of birth according to current boundaries.

United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and Northern Ireland

Do not read – One answer only

01 Canada GO TO S6

02 China

03 Germany

04 India

05 Italy

06 Philippines

07 Poland

08 Portugal

09 United Kingdom

10 United States

11 Vietnam

97 Other (SPECIFY:________________)

98 Don't know GO TO S6

99 Refusal GO TO S6

S5. In what year did you come to live in Canada?

Record 4-digit year

Do not read

01 _____<YEAR>

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S6. What is the first language that you learned and that you still understand?

Do not read – Code one only

01 English

02 French

03 Arabic

04 Cantonese

05 Cree

06 Dene

07 German

08 Innu-Montagnais

09 Inuktitut

10 Italian

11 Mandarin

12 Oji-Cree

13 Ojibway

14 Polish

15 Portuguese

16 Punjabi

17 Spanish

18 Tagalog (Filipino)

97 Other (SPECIFY)

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S7. Which of the following best describes the place where you lived on October 19, 2015? Was it a...?


01 House

02 Townhouse

03 Condominium

04 Apartment

05 Long-term care centre

06 Student residence

07 Seniors' residence

08 Hospital

09 Residence or institution for persons with a disability

Do not read

97 Other (SPECIFY:_________________)

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S8. Are you living in a rural or urban area?

Do not read

01 Urban

02 Rural

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S9. Have you moved over the past year?

01 Yes

02 No GO TO S11

99 Refusal GO TO S11

Ask if S9 = 01

S10. How long ago did you move?


01 Past 3 months

02 Past 6 months

03 Past 12 months

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S11. What is the highest level of education that you have reached?

Do not read – Code one only

01 Some elementary

02 Completed elementary

03 Some high school

04 Completed high school

05 Some community college/vocational/trade school/commercial/ CEGEP

06 Completed community college/vocational/trade school/commercial/ CEGEP

07 Some university (No degree or diploma obtained)

08 Completed university (Diploma or bachelor degree)

09 Post-graduate university/professional school (Master's, PhD, or any professional degree)

97 Other (SPECIFY: _________________)

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S12. Which of the following categories best corresponds to the total annual income, before taxes, of all members in your household for 2014?

Emphasize focus on household income

Read in sequence – Code one only

01 Under $20,000

02 $20,000 to just under $40,000

03 $40,000 to just under $60,000

04 $60,000 to just under $80,000

05 $80,000 to just under $100,000

06 $100,000 and over

Do not read

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S13. And to better understand how results vary by region, may I have your postal code?

Probe for first three digits if refusal

[Record 3 or 6 digits]

Do not read

01 [Open-ended question, maximum of six characters]

98 Don't know

99 Refusal

S14. That completes the survey. Thank you for taking part.

Do not read

01 Submit survey

Section X: Other Variables

(Not asked; automatically indicated by survey answers and sample data)

X1. Language of interview



X2. Sample source

  • General population sample of landlines
  • General population sample of cell phones
  • National RDD sample
  • Aboriginal oversample (not in national sample)

X3. Date of interview