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2000 General Election Post-event Overview


This report reviews surveys conducted by Elections Canada before, during and after the general election held on November 27, 2000. The main objectives of these surveys were to determine the levels of satisfaction among the electorate and stakeholders involved, to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of several programs established by Elections Canada, and to identify areas for administrative and legislative improvements.

Elections Canada commissioned Ipsos-Reid to conduct surveys of electors, including a sample of youth, Aboriginal people, ethnocultural associations, special-needs associations, users of the Elections Canada Web site, returning officers, candidates, political parties, registered third parties and academics interested or specializing in election matters. The surveys also included 17 questions sponsored by Elections Canada in the 2000 Canadian Election Study (2000 CES), co-investigated by the academic community. Elections Canada commissioned Donna Cona Inc. to provide a summary of the data, to highlight the main trends and to report suggestions made by the different stakeholders. Details of each of the surveys and methodological issues appear in the appendix.

This report has two sections. The first deals with electors' opinions on the conduct of the election: the information campaign about registering and voting, voter registration and participation, and Internet use. The second section presents the views of candidates, political parties and third parties on services, election materials and training; the verification, nomination and third-party registration processes; and election financing, political broadcasting and third-party advertising. Both sections deal respectively with evaluations as well as suggestions on a broad range of specific election-related items and topics. Suggestions made by electors and stakeholders were either administrative or legislative in nature.

Comments presented in this report belong to respondents and, therefore, do not constitute the points of view and positions of Elections Canada.