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The Burden of Voting in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election

Appendix A: Question Wordings

Q31_a – Q31_d, Wave 1:

[Phone] As you may know, a federal election is expected to be held in the fall. If you wanted to vote, do you think it would be very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult, or very difficult for you to …? [Read items]

[Web] As you may know, a federal election is expected to be held in the fall. If you wanted to vote, how easy or difficult do you think it would be to …?



  1. [Ask only if q25 = no or don't know]…register to vote?
  2. …decide which candidate to vote for?
  3. …go to the polling station?
  4. …vote once you arrive at the polling station?


  1. 01. Very easy
  2. 02. Somewhat easy
  3. 03. Somewhat difficult
  4. 04. Very difficult
  5. 98. [Do not read] Don't know

Q25, Wave 1:

Are you personally registered to vote in a Canadian federal election? [Do not read list]

  1. 01. Yes
  2. 02. No
  3. 98. Don't know

Q32ar and Q32br, Wave 1:

How much time do you think it would take you to do the following? [Read items]



  1. go to the polling station?
  2. vote once you arrive at the polling station?
  1. 05. Record time in minutes: [Number]
  2. 98. [Do not read] Don't know

Q33, Wave 3:

[Phone:] Was it very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to make sure you were registered?

[Online:] How easy or difficult was it to make sure you are registered?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. 01. Very easy
  3. 02. Somewhat easy
  4. 03. Somewhat difficult
  5. 04. Very difficult
  6. 98. Don't know

Q49r, Wave 3:

To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to travel to the [Insert based on q43 or votng method at w2]: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus]?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. Record time in minutes: [Number]
  3. 98. Don't know

Q50, Wave 3:

Would you say that this was a reasonable amount of time?

[Phone: do not read]

  1. 06. Yes
  2. 07. No
  3. 98. Don't know

Q51, Wave 3

[Phone:] Was the [Insert based on q43 or votng method at w2]: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus] a very reasonable, somewhat reasonable, somewhat unreasonable, or very unreasonable distance from your home? [Online:]

How reasonable was the distance from the [Insert based on q43 or votng method at w2]: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus] to your home?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. 01. Very reasonable
  3. 02. Somewhat reasonable
  4. 03. Somewhat unreasonable
  5. 04. Very unreasonable
  6. 98. Don't know

Q52, Wave 3:

[Phone:] Was the [Insert based on q43 or votng method at w2]: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus] in a location that was very familiar, somewhat familiar, not very familiar, or not familiar at all to you?

[Online:] Was the [Insert based on q43 or votng method at w2]: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus] in a location that was familiar to you?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. 01. Very familiar
  3. 02. Somewhat familiar
  4. 03. Not very familiar
  5. 04. Not familiar at all
  6. 98. Don't know

Q33, Wave 3:

[Phone:] Was it very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult or very difficult to make sure you were registered?

[Online:] How easy or difficult was it to make sure you are registered?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. 01. Very easy
  3. 02. Somewhat easy
  4. 03. Somewhat difficult
  5. 04. Very difficult
  6. 98. Don't know

Q57, Wave 3:

Overall, would you say that the building where you voted was…?

  1. [Phone: read scale]
  2. 01. Very suitable
  3. 02. Somewhat suitable
  4. 03. Not very suitable
  5. 04. Not suitable at all
  6. [Do not read]
  7. 98. Don't know

Q67r, Wave 3:

To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to vote once you arrived at the [Insert based on Q43: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus]?

  1. Record time in minutes
  2. [Do not read]
  3. 98. Don't know

Q68, Wave 3:

Would you say that this was a reasonable amount of time?

  1. [Phone: do not read]
  2. 01. Yes
  3. 02. No
  4. 98. Don't know

Q65, Wave 3:

Overall, how easy was it to meet the identification requirements? [Phone:] Was it…?

  1. [Read list]
  2. 03. Very easy
  3. 04. Somewhat easy
  4. 05. Somewhat difficult
  5. 06. Very difficult
  6. [Do not read]
  7. 98. Don't know

Q78, Wave 3:

Overall, how easy was it to vote? [Phone:] Would you say it was…?

  1. [Phone: read list]
  2. 01. Very easy
  3. 02. Somewhat easy
  4. 03. Somewhat difficult
  5. 04. Very difficult
  6. [Do not read]
  7. 98. Don't know

Q43, Q67r, Q78 in Wave 3:


Which method did you use to vote? [Phone:] Was it... [Read in order until respondent provides a response – code one answer only]

  1. 01. At the polling station on election day on October 21
  2. 02. At the advance polling station on October 11, 12, 13 or 14
  3. 03. At a local Elections Canada office before October 15
  4. 04. By mail
  5. 05. At home
  6. 06. At a poll on campus
  7. 97. Other, please specify: [Text]
  8. [Do not read]
  9. 98. Don't know


To the best of your knowledge, how long did it take you to vote once you arrived at the [Insert based on Q43: polling station/advance polling station/local Elections Canada office/poll on campus]?

  1. Record time in minutes
  2. [Do not read]
  3. 98. Don't know


Overall, how easy was it to vote? [Phone:] Would you say it was…?

  1. [Phone: read list]
  2. 01. Very easy
  3. 02. Somewhat easy
  4. 03. Somewhat difficult
  5. 04. Very difficult
  6. [Do not read]
  7. 98. Don't know

Q34_a and Q34_f, Wave 1:

[Web only] Please indicate how easy or difficult you expect each step to be.



  1. [List items selected in previous question]


  1. 01. Very easy
  2. 02. Somewhat easy
  3. 03. Neither easy nor difficult
  4. 04. Somewhat difficult
  5. 05. Very difficult

Q128_a and Q128_f, Wave 3:

[Online only] Please indicate how easy or difficult each step was.



  1. [List items selected in previous question]


  1. 01. Very easy
  2. 02. Somewhat easy
  3. 03. Neither easy nor difficult
  4. 04. Somewhat difficult
  5. 05. Very difficult

Q7, Wave 1:

How much difficulty do you have with … [Read first item]? [Phone] Do you have no difficulty, some, a lot, or you can't do this at all? What about…[Read next item]? [repeat for all. do not repeat scale unless asked]


[Rows; Rotate]

  1. …hearing, even when using a hearing aid?
  2. …seeing, even when wearing glasses or contacts?
  3. …going up and down a flight of stairs without resting?
  4. …using your fingers to grasp a small object like a pencil?


  1. 01. No difficulty [Score 0]
  2. 02. Some difficulty [Score 1]
  3. 03. A lot of difficulty [Score 4]
  4. 04. I cannot do this at all [Score 7]
  5. 99. [Do not read] Prefer not to say

Q15, Wave 1:

In each election, many people don't or can't vote for a variety of reasons. Thinking about all elections since you have been eligible to vote, have you voted in none of them, some, most, or all of them? [Note to interviewer: if asked this applies to federal, provincial and municipal elections, including elections in the respondent's country of origin]

  1. 01. None of them
  2. 02. Some of them
  3. 03. Most of them
  4. 04. All of them
  5. 98. Don't know/don't remember

Q49, Wave 1 and 3:

[Phone] In general, are you very interested, somewhat interested, not very interested, or not at all interested in politics? [Do not read list] [Web] In general, how interested are you in politics?

  1. 01. Very interested
  2. 02. Somewhat interested
  3. 03. Not very interested
  4. 04. Not at all interested
  5. 98. Don't know

Q55r, Wave 1:

For some people, voting is a duty. They feel that they should vote in every election. For others, voting is a choice. They only vote when they feel strongly about that election. For you personally, is voting first and foremost a duty or a choice? [Do not read list]

[Note: if respondent says "both", PROBE "If you had to choose which would you say is the most important: duty or choice?"]

  1. 01. Duty
  2. 02. Choice
  3. 98. Don't know

Q64, Wave 1:

Do you think of yourself as close to a particular federal political party? [Read list]

  1. 01. Yes
  2. 02. No
  3. 98. [Do not read] Don't know

Q35, Wave 1:

Are you certain to vote, likely to vote, unlikely to vote or certain not to vote in the 2019 federal election? [Do not read list]

  1. 01. Certain to vote
  2. 02. Likely to vote
  3. 03. Unlikely to vote
  4. 04. Certain not to vote
  5. 98. [Do not read] Don't know

Q37, Wave 3:

Many people don't or can't vote for a variety of reasons. Which of the following statements describes you?

  1. [Phone: read list]
  2. 01. I did not vote in the election
  3. 02. I thought about voting this time but didn't vote
  4. 03. I usually vote but didn't this time
  5. 04. I am sure I voted in the election
  6. [Phone: do not read]
  7. 98. Don't know

Q38, Wave 3:

[Phone: do not read; code 1 answer]

[Online: present options (but not theme headings), accept 1 answer; randomize 01 to 18]

Everyday life or health reasons

  1. 01   Too busy
  2. 02   Out of town, away from home
  3. 03   Illness or disability

Political reasons

  1. 04   Not interested in politics
  2. 05   Lack of information about campaign issues and parties' positions
  3. 06   Did not like candidates, parties, or campaign
  4. 07   Felt voting would not make a difference
  5. 08   Did not know who to vote for

Electoral process-related reasons

  1. 09   Could not prove identity or address
  2. 10   Not on voters list
  3. 11   Transportation problem/polling station too far
  4. 12   Lack of information about the voting process (e.g. when or where to vote)
  5. 13   Lineups were too long
  6. 14   Issues with the voter information card
  7. 15   Polling place was not accessible
  8. 16   Voting process was not accessible

All other reasons

  1. 17   Forgot to vote
  2. 18   Religious or other beliefs
  3. 97   Other reason (specify)
  4. 98   Don't know