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Complementary Safety CampaignAdvisory Committee of Political Parties – Annual General Assembly Meeting Summary – September 23–24, 2020

Presenter: Annie Desrosiers (Director, Communications Services)

Speaking to the Complementary Safety Campaign, Ms. Desrosiers outlined a number of communications objectives that EC would be providing including: information on service offerings and ensuring electors have all the information they need to register and vote; information on measures to ensure electors can register and cast their vote safely; information on safety measures in place for election workers; and to position EC as the authoritative source of information on registering and voting.

EC's proposed approach to the Complementary Safety Campaign will be to create a separate multimedia national campaign promoting safety measures. Some ads will integrate both Voter Information Campaign and safety messages and will use a similar look and feel as the Voter Information Campaign to ensure consistent approach and brand recognition (authoritative source of information). EC will also drive electors to its website to get up-to-date information on safety measures in place (which may vary for each province). It will also adapt content to media channels and audiences increasing awareness and engagement in addition to providing stakeholders with shareable digital toolkit to maximize their reach.

A number of committee members' questions focused on the upcoming by-elections. For example, what would happen if a person gets COVID at a polling station? Do people all get contacted? The CEO confirmed that contact tracing is required in some jurisdictions. So far, Elections Canada is not required to contact trace at polling stations. The RO would inform health authorities if it was found out that there was someone who voted contracted COVID. EC has contact info of people who voted at any given polling station. Public health authorities could send letters to electors according to Public Health Canada.

Answering the concerns regarding voters wearing a mask, Elections Canada would be strongly encouraging people to wear a mask. However, masks are not mandatory and EC can't go beyond what local authorities say. If mandatory, EC will serve electors who do not wear a mask as it does not want to put any staff in danger. EC will contact authorities if someone is not following the rules and will encourage people to wear masks regardless of local regulations.