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Health and safety measures

Health and safety measures


Health and safety measures

Text description:

Federal By-Election / Toronto Centre Monday, October 26

Your health and safety is our priority

Élection partielle fédérale / Toronto-centre le lundi 26 octobre

Votre santé et votre sécurité sont notre priorité

Get the official information on voting and the safety measures in place

Obtenez l'information officielle sure le vote et les mesures de sécurité en place



Residential screens


eligible electors in the ridings of Toronto Centre and York Centre


September – October 2020

Total campaign budget:

$509,137; out-of-home ads account for 5% of the campaign


If you see something that says it's from Elections Canada but is not included here, it may be incorrect information. Please contact us to let us know, or to share any questions or concerns you have.