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Survey of Candidates Following the 40th General Election

Overall Perceptions of Elections Canada

This section explores general questions about the conduct of the 40th federal general election (40th FGE).

Two-thirds Satisfied with Overall Administration of Election

Overall satisfaction with administration of electionOverall, 68% of candidates were satisfied with the way the federal election was administered by Elections Canada (i.e. offered scores of 4 or 5 on a 5‑point scale), with just over one-quarter (27%) reporting that they were very satisfied. As well, 23% said they were neutral, while one in ten report being dissatisfied (scores of 1 or 2).

The following groups are more likely to be satisfied with the administration of the election: respondents who report being satisfied with the returning officer (77%), and those who report being satisfied with the overall quality of service from Elections Canada (81%). Men (69%) are also more likely to report being satisfied with the administration of the election than women (61%).

Widespread Satisfaction with Returning Officer Performance in Own Riding

Satistfaction with returning officer performance in own ridingUsing the same 5‑point scale, most candidates (79%) expressed satisfaction with the way the returning officer ran the election in his/her riding, with 51% reporting that they were very satisfied. Conversely, 12% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, while 8% expressed dissatisfaction.

In terms of demographic differences, the following were more likely to be satisfied with the way the returning officer ran the election in their riding:

  • Anglophones (81%) vs. Francophones (72%)
  • Men (81%) vs. women (74%)
  • Those not elected (81%) vs. those elected (61%)
  • Members of parties not represented in the House of Commonsfootnote 6 (87%) vs. members of parties in the House of Commons (74%).

Regionally, candidates in Ontario (83%) and the Prairies (83%) were noticeably more likely to be satisfied than those in Quebec (73%).

Respondents were more likely to be satisfied with the way the returning officer ran the election in their riding if they were satisfied with the overall administration of the election (from 35% of those not satisfied to 91% of those satisfied), and were satisfied with the overall quality of service provided by Elections Canada (from 29% of those not satisfied to 88% of those satisfied).

Stronger Satisfaction with Returning Officer than Overall Election Administration

Candidates were more likely to be satisfied with their returning officer's performance (79%) than with the overall administration of the election (68%).

Overall satisfaction with administartion of federal election Vs within own riding

Footnote 6 From this point forward, the report will use HOC to denote House of Commons.